Monday, March 30, 2020

Laravel Tutorial for beginners

laravel tutorial

Laravel Tutorial is an open-source software platform based on PHP; which is used by using the MVC toolkit to build high-end web applications. It is a considerable resource set and offers software for use. It includes a variety of features of technologies such as ASP.NET, MVC, CodeIgniter, Ruby, and so on. It's the rapidly growing PHP platform.

It works on the end-user and guarantees that each project benefits from the simplicity, transparency and thus the concept of "getting the job finished." That makes it much easier to create a database-backed PHP app.

I published this laravel tutorial with a beginner market in mind to make it much easier for you to find out. You will thus find it easy to follow this laravel tutorial point to find out.

Features of Laravel

  • Authentication
Authentication is that the most important thing is to think of a web application and developers have had to spend all their time writing the authentication code. When Laravel is modified to Laravel 5 it makes authentication easier. It includes an integrated authentication framework, you simply have to customize templates, views, and controls to shape the function of the appliance.

  • Innovative Template Engine
It offers a creative modeling engine for building a dynamic website for developers. This helps the developers to build something creative and enticing using extremely impressive qualifying materials. Also, the numerous widgets available help to build solid application frameworks.

  • Eloquent ORM
ORM stands for Object Relational Mapping. It provides an inbuilt ORM with a simple implementation of PHP Active Record. Eloquent ORM is a complex application of PHP which is used to pattern active databases. An effective ORM helps programmers to query database tables without writing any SQL code using the simple PHP syntax. This allows for easy communication between developers and database tables by supplying their respective models to each of the tables.

  • MVC Architecture Support
MVC architecture is sponsored by Laravel. It offers a quicker method of creation like in MVC; one developer can work on the display while another works on the controller to build the business processes for the web app. It enhances performance, documentation, and a variety of other features.

  • Unit-testing
Laravel offers a unique unit-testing. This system will run multiple test cases to verify whether or not the changes are detrimental to the web app. Unit Testing could be done via the unit-line the utility offered by the artisan.

Also, Visit Here  Python Tutorial for Beginners

Saturday, March 28, 2020

CodeIgniter Tutorial

CodeIgniter tutorial for beginners

This tutorial sets out simple and comprehensive CodeIgniter principles. Our guide is built for skilled and beginners alike.

Our lesson contains all concepts such as CodeIgniter framework, variants, templates, file system, URL, application, screen, controller, database setup, save the record, display record, delete record, update a record, crud example, authorization example, etc.


You must possess a basic understanding of PHP until studying CodeIgniter.


We promise you won't consider any issues in this CodeIgniter tutorial. However, if there's an error, please write the issue in the website address.

What is CodeIgniter

You spend plenty of time creating the same code over and over in setting up a website application. Frameworks provide you with a starting point and reduce the number of codes needed to create a website.

It is a platform powered by PHP but is not a replacement for PHP. Does one dive into CodeIgniter? T says you're leaving PHP. PHP is a scripting language on the server-side designed to create complex web-based programs.

It includes modules, easy framework, and conceptual structure for accessing these databases, plug-ins, helpers, and other tools that can more probably solve PHP's complex features to achieve high efficiency. It simplifies the PHP code at an even shorter period of time, it creates a fully interactive, engaging website.

This follows 5.2.6 or a newer version of PHP, and 4.1 or standalone installer of MySQL. It makes your site more stable, and readable and manages your code. It's a free, lightweight framework, and simpler to use.

An individual who uses CodeIgniter must have knowledge of PHP. You need to learn PHP well, including its simple syntax and how it deals with server and HTML.

Why would you use CodeIgniter If you ever need a low footprint system?

  •       You need to score exceptionally.
  •        Require a system involving configurations to zero.
  •        Need a system that does not use a line of command.
  •        Need a system that doesn't need to abide by rigid coding rules.
  •        To get the design of code simplified.
Also, Visit Here  SEO Website Audit

Thursday, March 19, 2020

JAVA Projects Free Download

java projects

That group consists of a list of Java projects that can be accessed by students in the final year of engineering. Lots of free latest projects list here for students they can send to class. Micro like tiny device is used to learn a basic level of programming skills. This feature list with source code aims to improve the programming skills of the user with an interactive and appealing framework.

We are offering all kinds of basics for advancing realistic level projects. We're helping to get Source Code Free of Cost for BE, B.Tech, M.E, MCA, BCA, IT, computer science students. Get the widest variety of a special and creative PHPTPOINT Top Downloaded Java project. Each of these free software comes in a zip folder with the source code to import into the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

For Engineering Students, we have the best projects in this language. For your new project, there's a lot of the latest creative concept. Some easy Java projects for beginners with source code at no cost download on this website. Most students are interested in developing such academic applications.

What is Java

It is the most popular, and very useful programming language. We need JVM in this language running on any platform. You may create an application of any kind, such as web application, desktop application.

It is the object-oriented language from all programming languages and the most stable language. Java binds all databases, such as Oracle Server, Mysql, and SQL. Design of console framework at the heart of it.

Also, Visit Here  Java Projects Free